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From Dollhouse to Designer

Who knew a passion I had while babysitting in my young teens would have led to my career.

From a very young age, I remember having an interest in interior design. Now, I would not have understood that term or what it meant to be a "designer" as a career, but I remember always wanting to redo my room. Different furniture, different wall colors - always rearranging and trying new things. Then when I was old enough to babysit "my thing" was redecorating dollhouses. Not just moving furniture, but repainting, re-wallpapering, cutting carpet samples and gluing them to the floor. Moms would call me to babysit, simply because their daughter wanted to remake her dollhouse. I loved it! As I got older, I still didn't know design was my calling. I went through plenty of different majors; all subjects I was interested in pursuing. Dance (got hurt), pre-law (too much history), pre-vet (I'm too squeamish). I was frustrated and declared UNDECIDED as a major. That's when it hit me like a ton of bricks - I've always loved art and I had been redecorating things from a very young age. I could become an Interior Designer! I got lucky in that the college I was attending had this offered as a major. The creativity, the amazing classes, the definite career goal - it was perfect! That's the thing about your purpose. Once you realize the path, life somehow feels different. I don't know if I can explain this, but it's a feeling of excitement in your chest and you also get laser-focused at the same time.

That's the thing about your purpose. Once you realize the path, life somehow feels different. I don't know if I can explain this, but it's a feeling of excitement in your chest and you also get laser-focused at the same time.”

If you're a young adult, and you can't seem to decide what you want to do for the rest of your life, think back to the small things that made you happy during your childhood. Dance was huge for me as a kid, but wasn't translating into a career. I could, (and still can argue any point) so I thought being a lawyer would be my path. Nope. It was something simpler, and it took me a little longer to realize. Parents, same advice goes for you. If your child is trying to find their path, try to help them remember something they may have lost along the way. I didn't remember as a Junior and Senior in High School, when I was 13 I was redecorating dollhouses. Bigger things in my life had the forefront. You know it's funny, I won a writing contest in 4th grade and now not only am I an interior designer; I'm also a blogger. It all came full circle for me. I hope the same happens for each of you reading this if you are still finding your way. If you've found it, and you're on your path, I'm proud of you! Share your stories with me. I want to hear how you found your way. Email me at

Writing with love and intention,

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